Yet another ASCIIDoc, Markdown and RestructuredText cheatsheet

This is my take on a cheatsheet/ summary on the (my) most used markup languages. Explore my personal use cases for Markdown, RestructuredText, and ASCIIDoc, detailing why and how I utilize each for sp

Diego Carrasco G.
4 min readDec 19, 2023

This article is a cheatsheet/ summary on the (my) most used markup languages. It is not a tutorial, but a quick reference for those who already know the basics of each markup language.

This article is a work-in-progress and has a long table with many columns. If you are reading this on a mobile device, you may want to switch to landscape mode or use a bigger screen.

I write using , and depending on the kind of text. Each has its pros and contras, and I think that using the right tool for each job makes a lot of sense.

This article is a cheatsheet of the most common elements I use in each markup language. I will be updating it as I find/ remember elements that I need to use. == TLDR

Markdown is my go-to for simple articles, RestructuredText for complex web content, and ASCIIDoc for long-form, feature-rich projects. Understanding the strengths and limitations of each helps me optimize my content creation process.

Because of that my use of markup languages is usually as follows:

  • When I Use It: Ideal for articles that don’t require complex formatting. I often use it for posts without a Table of Contents or advanced code snippets. That is the case in most of the articles I write and all my personal notes.
  • Why: Markdown’s simplicity and readability make it perfect for quick, clean content. It helps me keep the structure lean and stay focused on the content.
  • Limitations: I avoid using Markdown for content needing advanced elements like admonitions or tables, as these are challenging to implement effectively in Markdown. For some of this features, I wrote some shortcodes for Nikola (the static site generator I use).
  • When I Use It: Chosen for articles on my website that demand more sophisticated elements. I use it mainly for articles with admonitions.
  • Why: Its support for directives like tables, admonitions, notes, and warnings makes RestructuredText versatile for web-centric content.
  • Flexibility: It strikes a balance between simplicity and advanced formatting, filling the gap where Markdown falls short. (Although I have to admit that I am not a big fan of the syntax, such as the headings)
  • When I Use It: My preference for long-form articles, books, and other comprehensive documentation. I am using it for my book on digital marketing
  • Why: ASCIIDoc’s rich feature set allows for intricate structure and extensive customization. Its ability to include external files, define variables, and apply themes makes it unbeatable for complex projects.
  • Output Variety: The flexibility to compile content into formats like EPUB, PDF, and HTML is particularly valuable for diverse publishing needs.

Table 1. Markup languages comparison and cheatsheet Element Markdown Rest ASCIIDoc


# Header 1

## Header 2

### Header 3

#### Header 4
Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4
= Header 1

== Header 2

=== Header 3

==== Header 4


This is [an example]( "Title") inline link.

[This link]( has no title attribute.

`Python <>`_

`Internal and External links`_[]

Ask questions in the[*community chat*].

he section <<anchors>> describes how automatic anchors work.

Bold text

Italic text

underlined text

[.underline]#underlined text#

Strikethrough text


Custom style (role in Asciidoc)

[.myrole]#custom role# must be fulfilled by the theme.

Quotation (simple)

Quotation (with author and title)

> Author
> Title
> Quotation
> -- Author
> ====


-- Author
[quote,attribution,citation title and information]
Quote or excerpt text

[quote, Author, Title]

Check for more information.

Code snippets

`this is an inline code`

this is a block of code with highlighting
.. code-block:: ruby

Some Ruby code.
.. code-block:: ruby
:lineno-start: 10

Some more Ruby code, with line numbering starting at 10.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 3,5

def some_function():
interesting = False
print('This line is highlighted.')
print('This one is not...')
print('...but this one is.')
[source, python]
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 2], 'col2': [3, 4]})
# more code

if you want to put a code snippet in a bullet point list or similar, you have to add it in a new line after a +. This way it will have the same indentation and will be part of the same div

- point in bullet point list
[source, python]
# here goes your code

Image (simple)

![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg).. image:: /path/to/img.jpg.Image title




Table (simple)

rst-simple-table-example.rst (Source)

.. table:: :class: my-table +------------+------------+------------+ | Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | +============+============+============+ | Row 1 | Data 1 | Data 2 | +------------+------------+------------+ | Row 2      | Data 3     | Data 4     |

References in-document (simple)

[reference to a section](#section)

# Section
.. _my-reference-label:

Section Title

See :ref:`my-reference-label`

call the anchor. Thsi will use the title of the section it refers to.


Table (with code snippet)

Line/ Separator

.. line-block::


By the way, this article and cheatsheets were made using asciidoc and the Nikola Listings feature.

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Diego Carrasco G.
Diego Carrasco G.

Written by Diego Carrasco G.

Hi, I'm an entrepreneur-turned-developer living in Germany. I enjoy learning, write, coffee and solving problems. I write mainly about technology.

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